Collection search - Quilts in Women's Lives
Record information – Brief Quilts in Women's Lives
Hierarchical level:Item (Accession level)Date:1980Item number (ISN):371715Type of material:Moving imagesFound in:Archives / Film, Video and Sound -
Record information – Details Fonds/collection:BANFF TELEVISION FESTIVALAccession:1982-0113Media:VideoPart:1 of 1Production date:1980Production company:New Day FilmsProduction credit:producer, Pat Ferrero; photography, James Culp; sound, Tim Metzger; editing, Jennifer Chilnlund; music, June Apple RecordsDescription:Television documentary presenting brief portraits of seven women, among them a California Mennonite, a black Mississipian, and a Bulgarian immigrant, who talk about the art of quiltmaking and how it has influenced them. They describe the inspirations for their work - family, tradition, the joy of the creative process, the challenge of design - and how it has become a part of their daily lives. "A brilliantly done series of studies", wrote one critic, "far more wide-ranging than its sturdy little title suggests... a fine and memorable work of economy, beauty, hunour and compassion". <28mn>Language:EnglishNotes:Detailed holdings information: -
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