Collection search - [Japanese Artillery Unit]
Record information – Brief [Japanese Artillery Unit]
Hierarchical level:Item (Accession level)Date:1904Item number (ISN):21648Type of material:Moving imagesFound in:Archives / Film, Video and Sound -
Record information – Details Fonds/collection:SASKATCHEWAN ARCHIVES BOARD / ARCHIVES DE LA SASKATCHEWAN: SASKATCHEWAN ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS LEAGUEAccession:1981-0153Media:FilmPart:1 of 1Production date:1904Production company:Edison Manufacturing CompanyDescription:Filmed record, shot from a fixed position, of Japanese artillerymen in a wood. Rising Sun flag flying from tree. Platoon of soldiers execute a rifle drill. Primitive inter-title "The Attack" flashed on the screen. Sequence on the men manhandling the caisson, loading and firing a field piece that is barely visible against the left frame line. Much white smoke billows around the soldiers. Following the title "The Capture", soldiers with rifles sporting bayonets mill around, fire blanks, hoist their flag. With "The Retreat", the "good guys" arrive back on the scene, produce a great deal of white smoke, rehoist the Rising Sun and tear down the other flag. Cut to a horde of samurai-like men racing across a glen towards the camera, fighting an opposing group with long swords and lances. Sequence on a Kendo bout between two well-protected men as officers look on. <10mn>Language:Silent with English intertitlesDetailed holdings information: -
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