Collection search - Canada. Agriculture Canada. Communications Branch collection [graphic material]
Hierarchy Canada. Agriculture Canada. Communications Branch collection [graphic material]
Hierarchical level:AccessionAccession includes:19 lower level description(s)View lower level description(s) -
Finding aid Graphic (photo): Subject access by cards with photo and caption: no xeroxing permitted. item level Box 1B/DAP-18 to 1B/DAP-33Graphic (photo): (Other) Original index cards with images and captions, sorted by subject. Located in 2000814400, 402, 403, 405 FA-303 -
Record information Canada. Agriculture Canada. Communications Branch collection [graphic material]
Date:1890-1992.Reference:RG17, R194, 1994-304 DAP, 122-080033-3Former BAN no.:122-080033-3Local class no.:1B/DAP-15A containers 1 to 33Type of material:PhotographsFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:20164Date(s):1890-1992.Place of creation:No place, unknown, or undeterminedExtent:ca 10,000 photographs b&w
ca 5,000 photographs col.
ca 50,000 photographs negatives, b&w
4 photographs glass plate negatives, b&w
ca 30,000 photographs negatives, col.
65 photographs 35mm slides, col.Language of material:EnglishAdditional name(s):Additional information:General note:Photos pertaining to field crops (oil and seed crops, potatoes, corn, forage, wheat, tobacco, hops), horticulture (herbs, vegetables, Central Experimental Farm, flowers, fruits), agricultural economics, insects, weeds, diseases, soils, Canadian scenery, research stations and experimental farms, poultry and meat (grading, processing, inspection), animal science (beef and dairy cattle, poultry, sheep, horses, swine, goats, small animals), health of animals, exhibits, the Food Advisory Service, food technology, and northern agriculture. Also included are portraits of agricultural ministers, directors, researchers, and staff.. Photos by Ken Dubroy, O. Hanright, Larry Payne, H.S. Tewsley, K. Wilson, G. Smith, D. Willcocks, F.C. Tyrell, F. Little, Marc-André Vachon.
Photos des activités d'Agriculture Canada telles que: les récoltes et la transformation des produits - les huiles, les semences, les pommes de terre, le maïs, le tabac, le houblon; l'horticulture - les herbes, les légumes, les fruits et les fleurs; l'économie agricole; les insectes; les mauvaises herbes; les maladies; les sols; le paysage canadien; les stations de recherches; les fermes expérimentales; la ferme expérimentale à Ottawa; la volaille et les viandes - gradation, transformation, inspection; science vétérinaire - les boeufs, les vaches laitières, les volailles, les moutons, les chevaux, les cochons, les chèvres, et les petits animaux; les expositions agricoles; le Service en consultation alimentaire; les techniques alimentaires; et l'agriculture des régions nordiques. Portraits de ministres de l'agriculture, d'administrateurs, de chercheurs et du personnel. Photos prises par Ken Dubroy, O. Hanright, Larry Payne, H.S. Tewsley, K. Wilson, G. Smith, D. Willcocks, F.C. Tyrell, F. Little, Marc-André Vachon.Physical description note:Graphic (photo): 21c, 23e, 25c, 26b, 27, 31bLanguage note:Language of accompanying material: english.Source:GovernmentFormer registration no.:94-115Former archival reference no.:RG17Other accession no.:1994-304 DAP -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Graphic (photo)[ConsultationOpen]
\\ Start date: 1994-05-17Box [AGRICULTURE CANADA/ COMMUNICATION BRANCH 1994-304] 1B DAP-15A-01--1B DAP-15A-28[ConsultationOpen]Box [CANADA. AGRICULTURE CANADA. COMMUNICATIONS BRANC 1994-304] 1B DAP-15A-29--1B DAP-15A-33[ConsultationOpen]Box [CANADA. AGRICULTURE CANADA. COMMUNICATIONS 1994-304] INT 024[ConsultationOpen]Terms of use:Nil
Copyright: National Archives of Canada
Credit: National Archives of Canada
Graphic (photo): Nil
Graphic (photo): Copyright: National Archives of Canada
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