Collection search - Brian Mulroney fonds [graphic material]
Hierarchy Brian Mulroney fonds [graphic material]
Hierarchical level:AccessionAccession includes:62 lower level description(s)View lower level description(s) -
Finding aid Graphic (other): index of assignments file-level online in MSSGraphic (other):photographic material inventory list of print files file-level in accession fileGraphic (other):photographic material (Other) contact sheets file-level Custody of Holdings DivisionGraphic (other):artistic material (cartoons) (Other) inventory & descriptive lists item-level in accession fileGraphic (other): (Other) Original contact sheets in chronological order 1984-93. 28 boxes located in 2000762065-079 and 2000762257, 60-71 FA-293 -
Record information Brian Mulroney fonds [graphic material]
Date:1966-1993, predominant 1983-1984 (cartoons)Reference:1993-354 DAP, 121-080213-9Former BAN no.:121-080213-9Local class no.:caricatures #1 to #26 WMB RM 0254 010508, caricatures #27 to #31; #40 & #41; #44 to #50 WMB RM 0254 010509, caricatures #32 to #39; #42 & #43; #65 to #68 WMB RM 0252-0013-06, caricatures #51 to #64 WMB RM 0254 010510, FA-293 FDA0001 to FDA0028 (PANL/3M Bays 277 & 278), photographic material TCS00584 to TCS00634, posters WMB RM 0254 B001, TCS10002 to TCS10016Type of material:Photographs, ArtFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:19796Date(s):1966-1993, predominant 1983-1984 (cartoons)Place of creation:No place, unknown, or undeterminedExtent:ca 513,107 photographs : 513,000 col. and 107 b&w negatives.
ca 24,180 photographs : 1,257 b&w and 22,923 col.
6 reproductions : photomechanical reproduction
68 drawings : pen & ink, b&w or colour felt pens, watercolour or wash, gouache, graphite or colour pencils, applied tone laminateLanguage of material:EnglishAdded language of material:English, FrenchProvenance:Additional name(s):Additional information:General note:photographic material Events, activities and individuals associated with the career of Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney as Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and as Prime Minister of Canada, as well as activities of Mrs. Mila Mulroney and Caroline, Ben, Mark and Nicolas Mulroney, 1984-1993. Photo signed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of 1984 Cabinet Ministers; photo with Bill Clinton, President of United States of America, 1993; photo with Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of Germany, 1992; Canada Ski Jumping team, 1988 Winter Olympic Games, Calgary; Brian Mulroney, aged of 11 and 13 years old, Polyvalente des Baies, Baie-Comeau, 1950 and 1952. Photos by unknown photographers and by the following: Peter Bregg; Andy Clark; Robert Cooper; Devries-Mikkelsen Photography; Ken Ginn; F. Scott Grant; Yousuf Karsh; Bill McCarthy; François Proulx; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); Office of the Prime Minister's Official Photographer, Tokyo; Official White House Photographer, Washington..
artistic material Promotional poster portraits of Brian Mulroney, alone and with Mila Mulroney.. created by PC CANADA FUND.
artistic material A collection of 68 original editorial and/or political cartoons, by various Canadian artists, some of which have been published and/or syndicated in major newspapers across Canada. The collection, for the most part, satirizes and/or lampoons various persons, issues or events associated with the early political career of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.. Among the artists whose works are represented in the collection are the following: Roland Berthiaume ("Berthio") for various Québec newspapers; Josh Beutel for the "Saint John Telegraph Journal"; Dale Cummings for the "Winnipeg Free Press"; Frederick Curatola for the "Toronto Sun"; Susan Dewar for the "Calgary Sun"; Andrew Donato for the "Toronto Sun"; Edward Franklin for the "Globe and Mail"; Jean-Pierre Girerd for "La Presse"; Michael Graston for the "Windsor Star"; William Hogan for the "Moncton Times-Transcript"; Tom Innes for the "Calgary Herald"; Anthony Jenkins for the "Globe and Mail"; Jan Kamienski for "The Winnipeg Sun"; Rusins Kaufmanis and Alan King for the "Ottawa Citizen"; Robert Krieger for the "Vancouver Province"; John Larter for the "Toronto Star"; Philip Mallette for the "Winnipeg Free Press"; Edward McNally for the "Montreal Star"; Terry Mosher ("Aislin") for the "Montreal Gazette"; Roy Peterson for the "Vancouver Sun"; Denny Pritchard for the "Saskatoon Star Phoenix"; Victor Roschkov for the "Edmonton Sun"; Merle Tingley for the "London Free Press"; and Edd Uluschak for the "Edmonton Journal"..
Political themes and/or events represented in the collection include the following: the Lester Pearson Liberal Government (1 work); the 1976 Conservative Leadership Campaign (1 work); the Joe Clark Conservative Government (1 work); the 1980 Federal Election period (1 work); the Joe Clark Conservative Opposition (4 works); the 1983 Conservative Leadership Review (3 works); the 1983 Conservative Leadership Campaign (9 works); the Brian Mulroney Conservatives in Opposition (4 works); the 1984 Liberal Leadership Campaign (1 work); the John Turner Liberal Government (2 works); the 1984 Federal Election (31 works); Brian Mulroney, the new Prime Minister (4 works); the Mulroney Conservatives in power (6 works). -- Among the various political and/or public personages represented in the collection are the following: Ed Broadbent; Dalton Camp; Jean Chrétien; Joe Clark; David Crombie; John Crosbie; Bill Davis; John Diefenbaker; Don Johnston; William Lyon Mackenzie King; Isabel Mackenzie King; René Lévesque; Flora MacDonald; Mark MacGuigan; Paul Martin (Sr.); Lester B. Pearson; John Roberts; Mitchell Sharp; Pierre Elliot Trudeau; Eugene Whelan; Bill White. [Foreign] Guiseppi Garibaldi; Ronald Regan and Uncle Sam..Physical description note:Graphic (other):photographic material 21c, 23e, 71:23e, 26b, 27, 31b, Graphic (other):artistic material (cartoons) drawing paper, poster board, illustration/art board, Graphic (other): 6 reproductions are posters, Graphic (other): 68 drawings are cartoonsArrangement note:photographic material . organized into 3 subseries by form of materials: negatives, prints, contact sheets. . arranged numerically by date (negatives and contact sheets) and by subject (prints). . file-level .Language note:Language of accompanying material: english.Source:PrivateFormer registration no.:93-168
94-177Other accession no.:1993-354 DAP -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Graphic (photo)[ConsultationOpen]
Open, unless the photographic record is preserved in a restricted fileBox [MULRONEY, BRIAN 1993-354][ConsultationOpen]FDA 0001--FDA 0028;[ConsultationOpen]INT 024;[ConsultationOpen]TCS 00585--TCS 00590;[ConsultationOpen]TCS 00593--TCS 00599;[ConsultationOpen]TCS 00604;[ConsultationOpen]TCS 00606--TCS 00608;[ConsultationOpen]TCS 00610--TCS 00616;[ConsultationOpen]TCS 00620;[ConsultationOpen]TCS 00623--TCS 00629;[ConsultationOpen]TCS 00632--TCS 00634;[ConsultationOpen]TCS 10002--TCS 10016;[ConsultationOpen]Graphic (art)[ConsultationOpen]Box [1993-354] 10508--10510[ConsultationOpen]0013-06 Item no. assigned by LAC 32--35; 37--39; 42--43; 67--68[ConsultationOpen]010508 Item no. assigned by LAC 1; 3--13; 15--16; 18--23; 25--26[ConsultationOpen]010509 Item no. assigned by LAC 27--28; 40--41; 44--50[ConsultationOpen]010510 Item no. assigned by LAC 51--55; 57--59; 61--64[ConsultationOpen]B001 Item no. assigned by LAC 69; 71--74[ConsultationOpen]Terms of use:Photographic Material: collection is closed to public except for academic requests. No reproduction without authorization of the depositor, Brian Mulroney, represented by Francine Collins(see accession file or photo archivist for contact information).
Art material (posters) No reproduction without authorization of the depositor, Brian Mulroney, represented by Francine Collins (see accession file or art archivist for contact information).
Art material (cartoons) No reproduction without authorization of the depositor, Brian Mulroney, represented by Francine Collins (see accession file or art archivist for contact information).
photographic material Copyright: Various copyrights
artistic material (posters) Copyright: Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
artistic material (cartoons) Copyright: various copyrights
Credit: Name of photographer / National Archives of Canada/reproduction no.
Graphic (other):photographic material Copyright: Various copyrights
Graphic (other):artistic material (posters) Copyright: Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
Graphic (other):artistic material (cartoons) Copyright: various copyrightsYou can order materials in advance to be ready for you when you visit. You will need a user card to do this.
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