Collection search - Industrial Conversion Assistance Program [textual record]
Hierarchy Industrial Conversion Assistance Program [textual record]
Hierarchical level:Sub-seriesContext of this record:Sub-series includes:86 lower level description(s)View lower level description(s) -
Finding aid Textual records (Electronic) Finding aid 21-49 is a verified list indicating volume number, file number, file part number, file title and outside dates for volumes 353 --358; 374 -- 375. 21-49 (90: Open); 374-375_open.pdf -
Record information Industrial Conversion Assistance Program [textual record]
Date:1981-1987.Reference:R214-183-7-E, RG21Type of material:Textual materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:190407Date(s):1981-1987.Bilingual equivalent:Place of creation:CanadaExtent:1.6 m of textual recordsLanguage of material:EnglishScope and content:Sub-series consists of Industrial Conversion Assistance Program files. The sub-series includes a variety of policy, general and case files, legal documents, guidelines, status reports, evaluations and audits. The files are from the range CR9300 to CR9350.Additional name(s):Biography/Administrative history:Industrial Conversion Assistance Program (Canada) : The Industrial Conversion Assistance Program introduced in Sept. 1981, offered businesses, industries and private institutions in the Atlantic region grants of up to 50% of capital costs for eligible conservation projects was developed to increase the use of alternative fuel sources. It was designed as a five year program to encourage the conversion of large boilers and process heaters from fuel oil to natural gas. In 1982 5 million was expended to promote the use of heavy fuel oil, another 5 million to assist in converting from heavy oil use to natural gas. The first grants were issued in April 1982. It was administered by local gas suppliers and utilities under direction of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada. The program was cancelled on 31 March 1985 and terminated on 26 April 1985.Additional information:Source of title:Title is based on the contents of the sub-series.Accruals:Further accruals are expected.Source:GovernmentFormer archival reference no.:RG21 -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Textual records[ConsultationRestricted by law]Volume [RG21][ConsultationRestricted by law]353--358;[ConsultationRestricted by law]374--375;[ConsultationRestricted by law]Terms of use:Copyright belongs to the Crown.You can order materials in advance to be ready for you when you visit. You will need a user card to do this.
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