Dingham Bros : Dingham Brothers. Photography studio located in Picton, Ont.
Associated Screen News : Associated Screen News Limited (ASN), a Canadian film production company and laboratory, was created in 1920 as Associated Screen News of Canada, a subsidiary of the New York company Associated Screen News. The Canadian Pacific Railway provided the new company with start-up funds. Bernard E. "Ben" Norrish was the first manager of the Canadian subsidiary, headquartered in Montreal. He became managing director in 1926, was named president and managing director in 1940, and retired in 1953. When the parent company ran into financial problems, the CPR took over the company in 1924 and closed the New York operation down. Associated Screen News Limited received its federal charter in 1926. A major part of ASN's business was the filming of Canadian newsreels stories for the major international newsreel companies. ASN also made travelogues, theatrical trailers and sponsored industrial films. Its laboratory processed and printed its own films and films made by others. The printing of American and other foreign-made feature films and newsreels for distribution to Canadian theatres was a lucrative part of ASN's lab operation, customs regulations making it cheaper for foreign producers and distributors to ship negatives to Canada rather than positive prints. ASN also operated a still photography section and portrait studio. In the 1930s, ASN added equipment for the manufacture of sound film and the first permanent sound stage in Canada. In 1932, ASN began making its long-running series of short entertainment films, the Canadian Cameos. In 1946, ASN created the Benograph division to handle retail distribution of photographic supplies and equipment as well as 16mm films. In 1954, Paul Nathanson, president of Sovereign Film Distributors and vice-president of Empire-Universal Films Limited, and Montreal real estate developer Maxwell Cummings acquired the company. Cummings became president. Under the new owners, ASN began to put more emphasis on its motion picture laboratory. It closed down its still photography department. In 1956 it created a separate television program and television commercial production department. In 1957, ASN closed down its production and art departments. In January 1958, Du Art Film Laboratories of New York completed the purchase of ASN and turned it into Associated Screen Industries Limited. Two Men and a Movie Camera, Canadian Film Weekly, December 23, 1942, p. 8 and p. 21.
Screen News Enters Its Eighth Year of Progress, in Canadian Moving Picture Digest, December 24, 1927, Volume 19, Number 34, p. 37
Today's Pioneers, Tomorrow's Innovators, in Astral Bellevue Pathé Inc., n.d.
Sauvageau, Joseph J.E : Photographer.
Gowen Sutton Co. Ltd. (Vancouver, B.C.) : Photography studio "Gowen Co. Ltd.", located in Vancouver, B.C., had its beginning in a partnership between Frank Gowen and Sidney Lawrence Stevens. This partnership, professionally known in 1916 as "Gowen and Stevens", was originally incorporated under the name "Frank Gowen Co. Ltd." Gowen subsequently incorporated under the name "Gowen Sutton Co. Ltd."