Collection search - Agency trust accounts [textual record]
Hierarchy Agency trust accounts [textual record]
Hierarchical level:Sub-series -
Finding aid Textual record (Electronic) Finding aid 10-47 is a volume list. 10-47 (90: Open) -
Record information Agency trust accounts [textual record]
Date:1960-1968Reference:R216-263-X-E, RG10-4-fType of material:Textual materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:157562Date(s):1960-1968Bilingual equivalent:Place of creation:No place, unknown, or undeterminedExtent:22.2 m of textual recordsLanguage of material:EnglishScope and content:Sub-series consists of vouchers, receipts, invoices and cheque requisitions relating primarily to Government appropriations for Indian Affairs and also including expenses charged to Band Trust accounts. The arrangement is alphabetical by Agency name (within each file, the documents are generally in chronological sequence with Government and Band expenses intermixed). For the years 1961/62 and 1962/63, cheque requisitions for accountable and standing advances are filed separately (Vols. 11807-11810); for all other years, the requisitions are intermixed with the vouchers.Additional information:Source of title:Title is based on the contents of the sub-series.Accruals:No further accruals are expected.Source:GovernmentFormer archival reference no.:RG10-4-f -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Textual records[ConsultationRestrictions vary]Volume [RG10][ConsultationRestricted by law]11700--11801;[ConsultationRestricted by law]11803--11804;[ConsultationRestricted by law]11806--11809;[ConsultationRestricted by law]Volume [RG10][ConsultationOpen]11802;[ConsultationOpen]11805;[ConsultationOpen]11810;[ConsultationOpen]Terms of use:Copyright belongs to the Crown.You can order materials in advance to be ready for you when you visit. You will need a user card to do this.
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