Series consists primarily of background survey documentation for the many studies carried out by the Pay Research Bureau. The records also include files related to policy development and the methodological issues both general and specific that the Bureau had to address on a day to day basis. Files relating to methodology include such topics as automated surveys, sampling techniques, job matching, compensation measures and the mirror effect where public sector employers dominate a specialized labour market. Related files include survey forms, questionnaires, procedure manuals and initiatives to avoid duplication of effort with other agencies like Statistics Canada and Labour Canada. Bureau studies may be divided into distinct types: benefit and working condition surveys, benefit profile, executive compensation studies, automated pay surveys, wage rate surveys, and special studies. There are background, briefing and working papers for all study types, often arranged by occupational category. Some of the background material and special studies includes analysis of collective agreements or the issues dealt with in labour mediation board reports. (RG111, Vols.61-81)