Series consists of correspondence, reports, returns and other records of the investigation into the conduct of James Allison, sometime Emigrant Agent at Montreal, 1823-1849. (volumes 21-22; 20 cm). Letters received by N. Radiger, Deputy Naval Storekeeper, Montreal, 1814-1815; letters of Joseph Ballingall, Deputy Naval Storekeeper to Edwards Laws, Storekeeper, Montreal, 1817; and letters of John Barrow to Capt. Robert Barrie, Acting Commissioner of H.M. Navy, Kingston, 1823-1826. (volume 27) and promissory note, dated October 9. 1837, issued by the Distillerie De St.Denis.
The correspondence appears to have been separated from the official records and subsequently to have been acquired by John Louis Hubert Neilson. The Admiralty Lake Service records are described in RG 8, III A. Documents collected by George M. Fairchild relating to the history of Valcartier, of which John Neilson was an original proprietor (volume 191). The papers include letters of John Neilson, documents relating to settlement of the area, and three letters to G.M. Fairchild, with a few newspaper clippings and notes.
The series also consists of 4 postal covers covering the period from 1845 to 1846.