Collection search - CO 47. Canada, formerly British North America, Miscellanea [textual record (chiefly microform)]
Hierarchy CO 47. Canada, formerly British North America, Miscellanea [textual record (chiefly microform)]
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Finding aid Textual records (Electronic) Finding aid No. 90, British Records on Microfilm, lists all material available on microfilm. MSS0090 (90: Open)Textual records (Electronic) Finding aid No. 628 includes a list of contents with a brief subject description for volumes 115-118. This finding aid also includes a list of the files of the Montreal Gazette microfilmed at the Public Record Office, and their microfilm reel numbers. MSS0628 (90: Open) All or some of the documents described have been digitized and are available at the following address: (90: Open) -
Record information CO 47. Canada, formerly British North America, Miscellanea [textual record (chiefly microform)]
Date:1764-1866.Reference:R10976-15-6-E, MG11-CO47Type of material:Textual materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:103914Date(s):1764-1866.Place of creation:No place, unknown, or undeterminedExtent:78 microfilm reels : negative & positive.
30 cm of textual records : transcripts.
0.12 m of textual records : photostats.Language of material:EnglishScope and content:Colonial Office 47, miscellaneous Canada material, is divided into the following categories: volumes 1-55, Lower Canada, various newspapers; volumes 56-79, Upper Canada, various newspapers; volume 80-83, shipping returns; volumes 84-121, miscellaneous, 1764 to 1836; volumes 122-140, Lower Canada, Blue Books; volumes 141-155, Upper Canada, Blue Books; volumes 156-194, Province of Canada, Blue Books; volumes 195-206, Canada, Trade and Navigation Returns, 1850 to 1858, 1917-1920; volumes 207-211, Canada, Trade and Commerce, 1920-1925; volumes 212-213, Canada, Commercial Intelligence Journal, 1925. Acquired are selected volumes of shipping returns, surveyors' reports, memoranda, blue books, minutes of meetings, instructions to governors, newspapers and other papers. This material is available on microfilm reels B-219, B-971 to B-982, B-991 to B-994, B-1021, B-1478 to B-1486, B-2490 to B-2524, B-2900 to B-2915. Transcripts are available on reel C-13615.
The following selections from CO 47 regarding newspapers have been copied: volumes 1-3, Montreal Herald, 1824-1836, 1840-1841 and Herald (Abstract), 1834-1857; volumes 42-54, Montreal Morning Courier, 1835-1849, and Montreal Courier, 1848-1851; volume 55, Montreal Weekly Pilot, 1846-1851; volumes 56-60, Upper Canada Herald, 1826-1841, and Kingston Herald, 1841-1847; volumes 61-67, The Patriot, 1829-1839, and The Toronto Patriot, 1839-1848; and volumes 71-73, Kingston British Whig, 1847-1856., The following selections regarding shipping returns and other matters have been copied: volume 80, shipping returns, Quebec and St. John, Quebec, 1786-1795; volumes 81-83, shipping returns, Quebec, 1801-1814; volume 107, list of documents despatched by Governor James Murray relating to the redemption of Canadian paper money, ca. 1764; volume 109, lists of grants of seigneuries and land en roture, 1770; volume 110, Report of James Marriott, British Advocate-General, on a code of law for Quebec, with an appendix concerning police and the Jesuits Estates, 1773; volume 111, papers relating to a suit, 1782, initiated by Attorney General, James Monk against William Taylor and George Forsyth, for failing to supply the full amount of goods as required by Guy Johnson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs; volume 112, political and commercial observations relating to Canada, 1788; and volumes 113-114, public accounts and vouchers, Upper Canada, 1806-1808., Also copied were: volume 115, surveyors' reports on townships and districts, Upper Canada, 1826. The reports are made by district, giving the name of township, a description and price of land, as well as general remarks on settlers, buildings, mills and roads; volumes 116-118, memoranda and précis concerning clergy, colleges, the military, land, Amerindians and other matters, 1826-1845; volumes 119-120, draft instructions to governors, 1835, and instructions for William Pitt Amherst (1773-1857), Earl Amherst of Arracan, with minutes, 1735-1836; volume 121, two minutes on the state of affairs in Lower Canada, with appendices, 1836; volumes 122-140, Blue Books of Statistics, Lower Canada, 1821-1823, 1825-1840; volumes 141-155, Blue Books, Upper Canada, 1821, 1823, 11827-1839; volumes 156-194, Blue Books, Canada, 1841-1866.Additional information:Availability of other formats note:Transcripts and photostats were prepared for volumes 82,83,85,107,112,123-1134,147-152, 170-171,173-180,189,190-191.Related material:In addition to library sources, Blue Books may be found in Record Group 1, Executive Council, Canada. While CO 47 is the proper location for newspapers, note that portions of newspapers will often be found scattered through the class for original correspondence. For example, broken runs of the Upper Canada Guardian or Freeman's Journal, 1807-1810, reputed to be the first radical newspaper in Upper Canada, will be found in CO 42, volume 350.Subject heading:- Colonies - British North America, 1764-1866
- Lower Canada - Blue Books of Statistics, [1764-1866]
- Upper Canada - Blue Books of Statistics, [1764-1866]
- Canada - Blue Books of Statistics, [1764-1866]
- Governors - Canada, [1764-1866]
- Governors - Lower Canada, [1764-1866]
- Governors - Upper Canada, [1764-1866]
- Ships - Great Britain, [1764-1866]
- Ships - Canada, [1764-1866]
- Surveying - Lower Canada, [1764-1866]
- Surveying - Upper Canada, [1764-1866]
- Canadian newspapers
- Statistics - Canada, [1764-1866]
- Statistics - Lower Canada, [1764-1866]
- Statistics - Upper Canada, [1764-1866]
- Great Britain
- Grande-Bretagne
- Canada 1763-1867
- Canada 1763-1867 (Régime anglais)
- Great Britain America
- Surveying Canada
Source:PrivateFormer archival reference no.:MG11-CO47 -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Textual records[ConsultationOpen]Volume [MG11 C.O. 47][ConsultationOpen]85;[ConsultationOpen]107;[ConsultationOpen]112;[ConsultationOpen]123--128;[ConsultationOpen]130--134;[ConsultationOpen]147--152;[ConsultationOpen]170--171;[ConsultationOpen]173--180;[ConsultationOpen]190--191;[ConsultationOpen]173/2;[ConsultationOpen]189/1--189/2;[ConsultationOpen]82/1--82/5;[ConsultationOpen]83/1--83/2;[ConsultationOpen]Finding aid box [FA 90] 13--14[ConsultationClosed]Finding aid box [FA 628] 64[ConsultationClosed]Microfilm reel[ConsultationOpen]B-1478--B-1480;[ConsultationOpen]B-1486;[ConsultationOpen]B-2901;[ConsultationOpen]B-2903--B-2905;[ConsultationOpen]B-2908;[ConsultationOpen]B-2914;[ConsultationOpen]C-13615;[ConsultationOpen]Textual records: microform[ConsultationOpen]Microfilm reel[ConsultationOpen]B-1021;[ConsultationOpen]B-1481--B-1485;[ConsultationOpen]B-219;[ConsultationOpen]B-2490--B-2524;[ConsultationOpen]B-2900;[ConsultationOpen]B-2902;[ConsultationOpen]B-2906--B-2907;[ConsultationOpen]B-2909--B-2913;[ConsultationOpen]B-2915;[ConsultationOpen]B-971--B-982;[ConsultationOpen]B-991--B-994;[ConsultationOpen]Terms of use:Transcripts for the period [1764]-1814 are not available for consultation. Researchers must use the microfilm of the transcripts.You can order materials in advance to be ready for you when you visit. You will need a user card to do this.
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