Canadian 4-H Council : Canadian 4-H Clubs were first established in Canada in 1913. They began as agricultural associations aimed at enriching rural life and improving agricultural production. Gradually these agricultural associations evolved into organizations for Canadian youth living in rural areas. The 4-H Clubs' stated goals are to promote good citizenship, leadership, value systems, social awareness and responsibility and independence in Canadian youth, through achievement in skill-development projects. The 4-H Club's motto is, "Learn to do by doing".
Under the leadership of parents and volunteers, members participate in a variety of projects that are designed to provide them with a knowledge of home economics, community service, leadership and citizenship. These projects may include such activities as athletics, crafts, debating, public speaking, exchange visits, tours, camping, projects in farm management and safety, financial management, mechanics, and conservation.
In 1933, the Canadian 4-H Council was established as the national co-ordinating organization responsible for the development and administration of national and international 4-H Club programmes. The Council invests the funds needed to finance 4-H Club programmes. This Council consists of volunteers from member corporations and associations as well as representatives from the federal and provincial governments. The Canadian 4-H Council office is located in Ottawa, Ontario.
In 1969, the Canadian 4-H Foundation was incorporated as a non-profit organization responsible for meeting the following objectives: to provide the opportunity for all interested persons and organizations to contribute financially to Canadian 4-H Council programmes; to provide continuity of long term funding necessary to enable the Canadian 4-H Council to carry on sustaining programmes on an uninterrupted basis regardless of the economic climate; to ensure the availability of funds for the future development of programmes, facilities and other opportunities for Canadian youth.